Friday, June 22, 2012


Clear contents of a file in UNIX

Clear contents of a file in UNIX
$cat /dev/null > file
$true > file

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Viewing file systems that 90% and more using awk & sed

This works with AIX
df -g | egrep -v "Filesystem|proc|tmp" | sed 's/\%//' | awk '$4 >= 90 {print $4 "%\t" $7}'
df -k | sed 1d | awk '$4>90 {print}'
This works with Solaris and Linux
df -k | egrep -v "proc|fd|cdrom|mnttab|run|tmp|Filesystem" | sed 's/\%//' | awk '$5 >= 90 {print $5 "%\t" $6}'

Friday, June 15, 2012

Powering the DS8000 Storage series through CLI

Powering the DS8000 Storage series through CLI Power off : Before issuing this command from dscli make sure IO activity are completely stopped. Power Off
dscli -hmc1 hmcip -user user -passwd password chsu -pwroff -dev IBM.2107-75DC710
Power On
dscli -hmc1 hmcip -user user -passwd password chsu -pwron -dev IBM.2107-75DC710

Thursday, April 26, 2012

puTTY Logging

puTTy has many nice features such as logging you track your session data by through session logging as follows.